TerraGo Logo Old

"Everclear has been a core part of our agile marketing team, allowing my team and I to execute a number of mission-critical product launches and digital marketing campaigns at an exceptionally high level. The Everclear team has helped us transform our sales and marketing infrastructure from low-volume, manual sales to a high-volume, highly automated sales process with a level of transparency that makes it easier for me to optimize our ongoing marketing investments."

Mike Gundling, Chief Marketing Officer, TerraGo

Mobile Product Launch

Everclear most recently supported the global product launch and marketing strategy for a new mobile enterprise data collection solution, including an explainer video, process graphic, infographic and other content marketing efforts.

TerraGo Edge Explainer Video
TerraGo Edge Explainer Video
TerraGo Edge Explainer Video
TerraGo Edge Explainer Video
TerraGo Edge Explainer Video

TerraGo Edge Process Graphic
TerraGo Edge Process Graphic

Enterprise Mobile Data Collection Infographic
TerraGo Edge Infographic Sketch
TerraGo Edge Infographic

Enterprise Mobile Data Collection eBook
TerraGo Edge eBook
TerraGo Edge eBook
TerraGo Edge eBook
TerraGo Edge eBook

Display Banner Ads for SEM and Remarketing Campaigns
TerraGo Display Banner Ads

Website Presence

TerraGo's web presence was re-built from the ground up as a responsive, mobile-friendly, digital experience, with a re-organized information architecture, re-designed user interface and re-developed online store.

TerraGo Website Before
TerraGo Responsive Website Wireframe
TerraGo Website After

TerraGo Website Menu
TerraGo Website Mobile
TerraGo Website Mobile Menu

TerraGo Edge Product Page Wireframe
TerraGo Edge Product Page

TerraGo Publisher Product Page
TerraGo Composer Product Page
TerraGo Toolbar Product Page

Online Store

Everclear designed, developed and deployed a responsive, mobile-friendly online store, shopping cart and e-commerce payment system with custom licensing integration to allow TerraGo customers to purchase additional software licenses.

TerraGo Responsive Online Store
TerraGo Responsive Online Store Product Page
TerraGo Responsive Online Store Product Page
TerraGo Responsive Online Store Shopping Cart

Content Marketing

Everclear outlined, wrote, edited, illustrated and designed a series of industry-focused eBooks and other types of content for TerraGo to drive demand generation, optimize ongoing PPC campaigns and increase top-of-funnel conversions.

Industry eBooks
TerraGo GeoPDF eBook
TerraGo GeoPDF eBook
TerraGo GeoPDF eBook
TerraGo GeoPDF eBook

TerraGo Oil and Gas eBook
TerraGo Oil and Gas eBook
TerraGo Oil and Gas eBook
TerraGo Oil and Gas eBook

TerraGo Utilities eBook
TerraGo Utilities eBook
TerraGo Utilities eBook
TerraGo Utilities eBook

Slideshare Presentation
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Edge Slideshare
TerraGo Tutorial Video Bumper Animation
TerraGo Video Bumper Animation
TerraGo Video Bumper Animation
TerraGo Video Bumper Animation
TerraGo Video Bumper Animation

Digital Marketing

Everclear designed and developed responsive, mobile-friendly landing pages and e-mail templates within the Pardot marketing automation system to allow TerraGo to quickly create agile marketing campaigns and lead nurturing programs.

Custom, Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Pardot Landing Pages
TerraGo Responsive Landing Page

TerraGo Responsive Thank You Page
TerraGo Mobile Landing Page

Custom, Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Pardot E-mail Templates
TerraGo Responsive E-mail Template
TerraGo Mobile E-mail Template

Display Banner Ads for SEM and Remarketing Campaigns
TerraGo Display Banner Ads

Sales Enablement

Everclear re-wrote, re-designed and re-created more than a dozen product datasheets, customer case studies and PowerPoint slides to prioritize customer benefits over product features.

TerraGo Product Datasheets
TerraGo Product Datasheets
TerraGo Case Study Before
TerraGo Case Study

TerraGo Sales Presentation Before
TerraGo Sales Presentation


Everclear researched and refined TerraGo's overall messaging and value proposition based on interviews with dozens of executives, customers and industry stakeholders during the initial phase of engagement.

TerraGo Ad
TerraGo Ad
TerraGo Ad
TerraGo Ad
TerraGo Vision Ad


Re-positioning a geospatial industry innovator



Launching a new cybersecurity start-up



Re-branding a physical security start-up



Transforming a predictive analytics software provider

Metron Aviation

Metron Aviation

Creating the world leader in next-generation surveillance

