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5 Qualities of a Great Brand Name

Written by G. Scott Shaw | Oct 6, 2015 10:12:00 AM

After 12 years of doing business as CreatiVerge, we announced last week that we were changing our name to Everclear. The announcement has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from colleagues and customers alike, which has been both exciting and rewarding, given how long we’ve been planning to make this change.

The Qualities of a Great Brand Name

Although we had counseled venture-backed tech companies on when a name change made sense (1. based on market feedback and 2. prior to making significant investments in sales and marketing), it had become increasingly apparent during a recent client engagement that it was time for us to take our own medicine.

We already knew that great company names were:

  1. Easy to remember
  2. Easy to say or pronounce
  3. Easy to spell
  4. Meaningful
  5. Unforgettable

But we had yet to admit that our own name did not live up these standards.

Why We Changed our Name

Not only was the name CreatiVerge difficult for our customers and prospects to spell, but more importantly, like many of our clients, the name no longer reflected our unique value proposition, recent growth or the range of services that we currently provide to our customers.

Whereas the name CreatiVerge focused on the creative “inputs” of what we brought to each marketing engagement, we needed a name that focused on the unique “outputs” of what we deliver to our customers to help them differentiate themselves from competitors, attract customers and build momentum within their industries.

How We Decided on our New Name

Our new name was born out of that desire to abide by our own client recommendations and subject ourselves over the last six months to the same proven process all of our clients go through in order to build a scalable and efficient foundation for growth.

Many early-stage technology companies have very complex value propositions, complicated messaging and unclear positioning.

What we do better than anyone else is to make their marketing “everclear,” to refine their positioning, simplify their value proposition and streamline their messaging so that it resonates with the right prospects when they are ready to “go big” with sales and marketing and sell into the enterprise.

And while these were not the sources of our inspiration for our new name, for those of you that were wondering if our team is anything like the ‘90s cowpunk band, we don’t all play instruments, but we rock too.

And while many of you may have survived a chance encounter with the grain alcohol from your days in college, just be assured that our high-octane marketing services are also 190-proof.

What Makes Us Different

The work that we do is challenging and difficult. And the way that we are structured is not for everyone. But that’s what makes our track record of expertise and successful client outcomes over the last decade so special.

We have chosen to work with fewer clients on larger, more holistic positioning, branding and marketing challenges, building the right team for each engagement that will have the most significant impact on our client’s revenue growth.

That is what we do best, as well as what makes us different and unique from other marketing agencies, web development firms and design studios that only work on a small piece of the marketing puzzle for Fortune 500 companies or single campaigns or channels for companies across a variety of industries.

Which is why for the last 12 years — and for many more years to come — that Everclear Marketing translates complex technology into enterprise value so venture-backed companies grow faster.

So What Has Changed?

But beyond the better name, responsive web site and new e-mail addresses, what else has changed?

  • We’re dedicated to helping early-stage, B2B enterprise technology companies transition into their growth stage, as opposed to working with seed-stage start-ups or consumer technology companies.
  • We’re focused on substantial, long-term engagements where we can have the most impact on our client’s growth, serving as the “go big” marketing agency partner, as opposed to taking on short-term piecemeal projects.
  • We’ve invested heavily over the last several years in providing comprehensive lead generation, marketing automation and content marketing services to tie marketing activities to pipeline opportunities and provide ongoing, board-level transparency into the impact of marketing on revenue growth.

What Lies Ahead

With a name like Everclear, we’ve set not only a high bar for ourselves, but also made an ongoing promise to our current and future customers. We will continue to deliver comprehensive and customized high-growth marketing engagements that will clearly set our clients apart from their competitors while providing the clarity and focus needed for them to capture growing technology markets.

Its a promise that we do not take lightly and a mission that we aspire to achieve on a daily basis for our clients in the months and years ahead as we continue on the journey we started more than a decade ago.

For those of you that have been with us for awhile, thank you for your business, encouragement, advice and support over the last 12 years.

We certainly wouldn’t be here without you and would love to know what you think about our recent changes.

And for those of you that have not, we look forward to getting to know your unique challenges and needs moving forward to determine if our team might be the best fit to help you along your path to growth.

Because, when you’re ready to invest in the next stage of growth, the choice is Everclear.